
The Human Pangenome Reference Consortium generates raw sequencing data, high-quality assemblies, and pangenomes. All data generated is open, publicly accessible, and can be downloaded or used in AWS, GCP, AnVIL, or locally.

Data Availability

Sequencing data, assemblies, and pangenomes are stored in publicly accesible cloud buckets, the AnVIL data ecosystem, and in SRA/ENA/DDBJ.

Sequencing Data Release2

  • PacBio HiFi (with modification calls)
  • PacBio Kinex
  • Oxford Nanopore Ultralong (with modification calls)
  • Omni-C/Hi-C

In addition, we include high coverage Illumina data produced by the NYGC for parents and children (when available). If you would like to download the files, data indexes are available in the GitHub repository.

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Assemblies Release2

Assemblies produced with Hifiasm are available alongside annotations for the assemblies. If you would like to download the files, data indexes are available in the GitHub repository.

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Pangenomes Release1

The HPRC has released pangenomes from its year 1 data. Currently there are three main approaches:

  • Minigraph
  • Minigraph-CACTUS
  • Pangenome Graph Builder (PGGB)

Each pangenome has different strengths and weaknessness. If you do not know which pangenome best suits your needs, see the GitHub repository.

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