
For Phase 2 of the Human Genome Reference Program, three components were funded. They are collectively called the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC). These include:

  1. A Human Genome Reference Center (HGRC; RFA-HG-23-025)
  2. High Quality Human Reference Genomes (HGRQ; RFA-HG-23-024)
  3. Informatics tools for use of the human genome reference (ITPG; RFA-HG-25-007)

Active awards include:

The Human Pangenome Reference Consortium Coordination Center: U41HG010972

Center for Human Genome Reference Diversity: UM1HG010971

Building Tools and Community to Make Pangenomes Accessible: U01HG013760-01

Integrating the Reference Pangenome with Biobank-Scale Data for Complex Trait Analysis: U01HG013755-01

Tools for Comprehensive Variant Characterization Using the Pangenome: U01HG013748-01

Tooling for Accurately Studying the Epigenome Along the Human Pangenome Reference: U01HG013744-01

Phase 1 of the Human Genome Reference Program included three Genome Reference Representation Awards:

The construction and utility of reference pan-genome graphs 1U01HG010961

Representing Structural Haplotypes and Complex Genetic Variation in Pangenome Graphs 1U01HG010973

K-mer Indexing for Pangenome Reference Annotation 1U01HG010963